Only Verified Task Providers
Taskgigo only accepts professional providers that are very good at what they do. In other words, we have vetted all expert task providers who are registered with us and every customer is assured to get a good service experience from any expert provider booked for a task.
Registration of expert providers is done using the Taskgigo Provider app. After the successful submission of the provider's details, the Taskgigo Verification Team will do thorough checks to make sure all submitted information is correct, and most especially the provider must be outstanding in rendering his services.
When a customer finds the best provider for a task, the customer can decide to have a direct affair with the provider using the built-in chat system or placing a direct phone call to the provider. This helps a customer bargain on the best prices for a task. If bookings are done using the Taskgigo app, it is inevitable that we will place a track on the provider until he comes to the place of the task.
Taskgigo Providers have full control over what task to accept or decline. And when a task has been completed, the customer and the provider can agree on which medium of payment, either cash or online payment.